Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy 2015! Live it with #purpose!

Yesterday on New Year's Eve,  I received an email from my wonderful principal to check out a blog post about choosing a word for 2015. I took a look at it and thought that it was ingenious. I started to think about my word and I thought about that word on and off all day. I was first thinking about going with the word "challenge." I liked that word and almost committed to that word for the year. I was trying to find a word that I could easily use in both my personal and professional life.  Then I came across THE word...PURPOSE! 
As I get older, I want to live my life with purpose. I want to make the most of my days. I've kept a gratitude journal for the last 2 years and it's amazing how it changes your outlook on life and makes you appreciate all of the little things in life! Sun, flowers, green leaves, colorful leaves, laughter, solitude, a clean house, health....the list goes on! 

I want to focus on purpose this year. Purpose to me transcends everything. Purpose allows you to have joy, show gratitude, be challenged, focus on important things, be mindful and present, simplify your life, take risks, demonstrate your strengths, allows you to reflect and breathe and take time for yourself...all of which I need to work on in 2015. 

I want to have purpose with my family. 
I want to have purpose with my daughters.
I want to workout with a purpose.
I want to be healthy for a purpose. 
I want to eat for a purpose. 
I want to teach with purpose. 
I want my professional life to be filled with purpose. 
I want my friends to have a purpose.
I want to spend my free time with a purpose. 

So here's to 2015...and living with purpose