Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A Great Way to Lesson

When I started my new job this past year, I vowed to find an effective way to keep track of my lesson plans.  In the past, I always had a pretty elaborate template for my weekly lesson plans that I would print out, put in my lesson plan book, and then proceed to write in my plans.  This was time consuming and also a pain to take my big lesson plan binder back and forth to school.

I read about on a few different sites and decided to try it. I signed up for a free one-month trial and loved it! I decided that it was well worth the $12 to use this site for the next year.  Below are the reasons that I LOVE using

1. It is easy to use and set up.  It took me about 20 minutes to set up my template.
2. You can color-code the different subjects...what teacher doesn't love that?
3. You can add the standards that you are covering and select them from either the Common Core Standards or your state's standards.
4.  You can bump your lessons forward 1, 2, 3....days if you did not get to it that day and decide to teach that lesson on a future day. HAPPENS ALL THE TIME!!!!
5.  You can type in something that you do every day and extend it out however many days that you need in order to have it in your plans. Examples-morning meeting format, morning work, current read aloud, etc.
6. You can work on your plans from, home, smartphone, etc... LOVE THIS PART!
7.  Very convenient to make your plans more detailed from home when your kid wakes up in the middle of the night sick and you need to get a sub! TOTALLY LESS STRESSFUL WHEN YOUR KID GETS SICK!
8.  You can share your information with another teacher(for collaboration) or with an administrator(if you still need to do this.) CONVENIENT FOR TEACHERS WHO JOB SHARE!
9.  You can print them off with a choice of different formats and views.
10.  You will have all of your plans for the following year and will be able to tweak them as needed for your next group of students or your next grade level.
11.  You can attach files and links to your lessons...this way you have everything in one place!
12.  It costs only $1 a month...and it will make your life much easier!

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