Sunday, January 5, 2014

A New Blog for 2014!

Inspired to finally start a blog by @Katherine Sokolowski, I'm using her questions to start my blog!

The eleven questions:

1. What is one dream you have that you want to accomplish this year? To have a successful blog. 
2. Favorite food? Mushroom and Bacon pizza
3. Where are you most comfortable? At home with my family or in the classroom. 
4. Favorite subject in school as a kid? If you teach, favorite now? Reading when I was a kid. Same now! 
5. What is the best book you read last? Left to Tell by Immaculee Ilibagiza 
6. Favorite movie of all time? Steel Magnolias...hands down! 
7. If you had to pick, what is your favorite way to exercise? A long walk. 
8. How do you prefer to travel – train, plane, boat, or car? Why?'s the fastest way...most of the time. 
9. Favorite season? Summer-I live in's the nicest season in this state. 
10. Snow days – love them or hate them? Love them! 

11. What are you looking forward to in 2014? Finishing out the first year of the MOSAIC program at school, planning lessons to challenge my gifted learners, spending time at the pool this summer with my kids, and traveling this summer. 

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